The Mechanical Contractors Association of Saskatchewan is pleased to offer Member Advantage Programs that are available to all MCAS members and their employees.
For further details, please contact the MCAS office at (306) 664-2154.
In addition to the local Saskatchewan Advantages listed below, MCAC also provides benefits for its members through the National MCAC Affinity Program.
Everyday Members Benefits
Proud Member Decal: MCAS has decals available for $6 each plus GST. Call the office at (306) 664-2154 or e-mail
Proud Member Logos: MCAS has electronic logos for Members to use on websites or documents. Call the office at (306) 664-2154 or e-mail
Quality Control Manuals: Loan of a Quality Control Manual developed in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.1, Power Piping, and B31.3, Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping. Click here to view information on the Quality Control Manual.
Safety Handbooks: Company employee safety handbooks and access to information on COR Safety certification. Click here to view information on the Safety Handbook.
Publications: The MCA Saskatchewan Newsletter is a publication keeping members up-to-date on the activities of the Association. Contact the MCAS office to be added to the distribution list.
Membership Roster: An annual publication that provides complete membership addresses of Contractor, Professional, Trade and Affiliate members. There are 400 printed copies circulated across the province and posted on our website.
Product Index Guide: An annual publication MCAS produces as a thank you to all Affiliate Members for their support of the Association. It is also available on the website. Each year due to its popularity the product groups keep expanding and Affiliate participation keeps increasing. Click here to view the Product Guide.
Website: MCAS maintains an up-to-date website that features full membership information. It is your opportunity to have a business link, look up members, find out important information, and find links to enhance your business. The site also carries an updated events calendar with training schedules, AGM, and social events calendar.
Representation: MCAS has representation on a number of boards, associations, and committees throughout the province, giving MCAS the ability to represent the industry's interests and address any issues.
- SATCC Commission Board
- Plumbing Trade Board
- Sheetmetal Trade Board
- Refrigeration Trade Board
- Steamfitter/Pipefitter Trade Board
- Saskatchewan Construction Safety Association
- SaskEnergy Industry Dialogue Table
- Commercial
- Residential
- Saskatchewan Bid Depository Rules and Review Committee
- Saskatchewan Construction Association Advisory Council